The Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre will team up with some of the CDC Laurier Computer Support students. Computing Support teacher, Mr. Maan Hatab was very open to having some of his Computer Support students see what it is like providing services to the user community. His students will be able to fill needs at the CDC Laurier Career Exploration Lab, by getting to know certain modules, such as; Transportation Design, Hospitality and Tourism, Vinyl Sign Making, Graphic Design and, Digital Photography. These willing student volunteers will be able to take orders from personnel within the CDC Laurier Centre, to make name tags, plastify tags, create mouse pads, signs, etc....
As well, we hope they will be able to completely ensure all survey`s and documents that can be delivered on-line are created and developed for our school groups. What a team effort! I really look forward to working with these students! Thank you Mr. Mann Hatab for opening the doors to your student group.
For anyone interested in joining the Computer Support Program at CDC Laurier is advised to take a look at the website:
Explore your future! Live a stimulating and unique career exploration experience. Career Exploration Centre Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Founded 2009
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
August 30th Career Exploration welcomes Debbie Horrocks, President of QESBA
Welcome Debbie Horrocks, President of QESBA (Quebec English School Boards Association) has joined the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre fan club on FACEBOOK. We look forward to keeping you and your team informed on what we are acheiving! Thank you for joining our on-line Community! Check out QESBA website for more interesting and informative news on what`s happening in Education in Québec.
August 23rd - August 26th Project Development Officer meets staff
Wednesday was an exciting day, all Adult Education teachers, both from the General Education and Technical and Vocational centre's attended their first meeting at the CDC Laurier Centre. It was my first time to see and feel all the positive energy from all these professionals' geared to start of their new school year. Mrs. J. Brabant, Director of Adult Education's theme of the day was 'Customer Service'. To continue delivering quality services and increasing those graduation rates for their students. Mrs. J. Brabant asked staff, WWWEBI - What Went Well? and Even Better If? The room was full of inspiration as the staff enthusiastically responded. The NEW ADULT EDUCATION WEBSITE FIRST LAUNCHED for staff on this morning. Check it out!
Vanier Student J Barbagallo EXPLORES Transportation Design Module
August 24th, A Vanier student gave up a work day to help us out at the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre. J. Barbagallo worked on producing name tags for the Health Care Supervisory Staff and CDC Laurier Support Staff. It was no easy task, adjustments needed to be made to the router bit, the depth for engraving, etc.... However the task is completed and we will be able to provide staff members name tags in time for the first staff meeting of September 21st, 2010. Thank you Jeffrey for taking the time, we appreciated it!
Career Exploration Project Development Officer meets Vanier Consultant
Monday, August 23rd, Mrs. Halman and I was very fortunate to meet Mr. Tami Belhadj FP/FT Project Consultant who is responsible for Vanier BRIDGES program. Mr. Belhadj promoted and invited the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre to attend The First Technical and Vocational symposium taking place on November 3rd. As this develops we will keep you informed. The Vanier BRIDGES program helps develop technical and vocational programs to bridge over to CEGEP programs, providing more opportunities for students' success. We look forward to a wonderful and fruitful partnership with Vanier College.
Week of August 23rd All about Connections and Networking!
Hello to all fans, This week was very productive for the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre. Our Strategic Advisor Planner, Mrs. H. Halman met with me, Project Development Officer, Mrs. C. Flynn. It was a very productive meeting as we aligned our goals and expectations for this coming years' activities for the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre. Building our Action Plan, meeting QEP (Québec Education Plan) and MELS' (Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport) goals.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Career Exploration Center: August 16th - 20th First week back from Summer Hol...
Career Exploration Center: August 16th - 20th First week back from Summer Hol...: "First week back from «Summer Vacation». It was a good week. The Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre is gearing up to meet QEP and GOAL ori..."
August 16th - 20th First week back from Summer Holiday
First week back from «Summer Vacation». It was a good week. The Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre is gearing up to meet QEP and GOAL orientations. We are busy working on an 'Action Plan' in support of our School Board`s goals.
Our Project Development Officer, Mrs. Christina Flynn is working on creating a viable 'Action Plan' in collaboration with our Strategic Planner Advisor, Mrs. Heather Halman.
The 'Action Plan' will incorporate short term, medium term and long term goals, keeping in sight the vision of our Council of Commissioners and Director General's objectives.
Our Project Development Officer, Mrs. Christina Flynn is working on creating a viable 'Action Plan' in collaboration with our Strategic Planner Advisor, Mrs. Heather Halman.
The 'Action Plan' will incorporate short term, medium term and long term goals, keeping in sight the vision of our Council of Commissioners and Director General's objectives.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre open for business
Please communicate with Mrs. Christina Flynn to book your classes at the Career Exploration Lab for school year 2010-2011.
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