The Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre will team up with some of the CDC Laurier Computer Support students. Computing Support teacher, Mr. Maan Hatab was very open to having some of his Computer Support students see what it is like providing services to the user community. His students will be able to fill needs at the CDC Laurier Career Exploration Lab, by getting to know certain modules, such as; Transportation Design, Hospitality and Tourism, Vinyl Sign Making, Graphic Design and, Digital Photography. These willing student volunteers will be able to take orders from personnel within the CDC Laurier Centre, to make name tags, plastify tags, create mouse pads, signs, etc....
As well, we hope they will be able to completely ensure all survey`s and documents that can be delivered on-line are created and developed for our school groups. What a team effort! I really look forward to working with these students! Thank you Mr. Mann Hatab for opening the doors to your student group.
For anyone interested in joining the Computer Support Program at CDC Laurier is advised to take a look at the website:
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