Career Exploration Centre

Career Exploration Centre
Explore the Future!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

DISCOVER TOURISM - Is this career for you?

The Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council wants to know; "Are you looking into starting a career in one of the world's fastest growing industries?

This website contains detailed information on Formal Education related to tourism as well as industry-based training and recognition options.
Opportunities for youth
Take a tourism career quiz
Formal Education tourism programs and institutions
emerit tourism training and certification programs
Job search websites
Resources and salary compensation study
Career Exploration Centre module - call us to check it out: 450-688-2933 x4137
Hospitality and Tourism; Program Areas = Business, marketing, IT, and Ready 4 Life

Skills:*Reading print maps, *Using maps on the computer, *Manipulate industry standard hotel management software, *Manage a theme park using simulation software

Knowledge: *Understand the origin of hospitality and tourism, *Appreciate the effect of this industry on the world's economy, *Identify the many careers associated with hospitality and tourism

Career Exploration Centre - CDC Laurier (Pont-Viau)Hospitality and Tourism encompasses the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel related services.

*Culinary Arts, *Hospitality and Tourism, *Nutrition and Wellness, *Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition, *Web Page Design, *What`s Cooking

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