Career Exploration – ‘Focus on… the future…’
ART Contest - OPEN to Cycle III students
In the Laurentides and Lanaudière Regions
Dear Cycle III teachers,
Your chance to WIN a day in JUNE for your school at ‘The Career Exploration Centre’
In support of ‘JOURNÉES DE LA PERSÉVÉRANCE’ Our Sir Wilfrid Laurier Career Exploration Centre INVITES CYCLE III classes to participate in our ART Challenge.
1. Students create original ARTWORK (painting or drawing) on 81/2 x 11 inches paper.
2. Theme and connections to Career Exploration (and/or) perseverance
3. Avoid using NEON colours
4. Submit class ARTWORK to CDC Laurier Pont-Viau, C/O Career Exploration Centre
5. Deadline for submissions March 31st, 2011, to be received at The Career Exploration Centre no later than April 8th, 2011.
Resources that can help you work with your students.
Meets your QEP and MESA criteria:
Constructing a World-View: the Focal Point of All Student Learning and enhances the Characteristics of the Québec Education Program; The concept of resources refers not only to everything that students have learned at school, but also to their experiences, skills, interests, etc….
• ARTS Education - To produce individual works in the visual arts.
• Broad Areas of Learning - Personal and Career Planning - To enable students undertake and complete projects that develop their potential and help them integrate into society.
• Citizenship and Community Life - To ensure that students take part in the democratic life of the classroom or the school, and develop a spirit of openness to the world and respect for diversity
• Cross-Curricular Competencies - Personal and social competencies - To use information; to use creativity; to construct his/her identity.
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