Career Exploration Centre

Career Exploration Centre
Explore the Future!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Engage Boys (and Girls) in their Literacy Learning (upper elementary, secondary, young adults

Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm is one of the main stars in this year’s themes on gender-based learning and brain research.

Jeffrey Wilhelm’s research team followed 52 high-achieving, average and troubled high school boys through their daily routine. “The first thing that astonished us when shadowing kids through school was … how absolutely boring it was,” he said when interviewed for the article - Boredom Begins at School, (Montreal Gazette, April 24, 2010). In this seminar he will engage you in exploring how to “teach the same stuff in a slightly different way” to make it more interesting to students who are so often bored in school.

There are still 25 places left but they will fill up quickly. Please encourage your colleagues to consider this timely seminar.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lancement du concours Chapeau, les filles! et Excelle Science

Québec, le X 8 novembre 2010.  La ministre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, Mme Line Beauchamp, est heureuse de donner le coup d’envoi à la quinzième édition du concours Chapeau, les filles! et à la onzième édition de son volet universitaire Excelle Science. C’est sur le thème « Prends ta place » que se déroulera l’édition 2010-2011. Ces concours visent à récompenser les efforts de femmes ayant choisi une formation menant à l’exercice d’un métier traditionnellement masculin.

Le concours Chapeau, les filles! s’adresse aux étudiantes inscrites à des formations professionnelles ou techniques à prédominance masculine. Le concours Excelle Science, quant à lui, vise les femmes inscrites à un baccalauréat en sciences ou dans les domaines du génie.

« Les femmes inscrites dans des programmes de formation majoritairement fréquentés par des hommes sont des exemples inspirants pour les jeunes. C’est pourquoi je suis heureuse que nous récompensions leurs efforts en mettant en lumière la persévérance dont elles font preuve pour exercer des métiers bien rémunérés, mais peu choisis par les femmes », a souligné Mme Beauchamp.

Grâce à la contribution financière d’une vingtaine de partenaires (voir liste en annexe), de nombreux prix seront remis au cours de cérémonies régionales, au printemps 2011, alors que les prix nationaux seront décernés lors du gala Chapeau, les filles! Excelle Science, le 2 mai 2011. La répartition des prix se fera comme suit :

Concours Chapeau, les filles!

• Plus de 200 prix régionaux variant de 500 $ à 1 000 $

• 33 prix nationaux variant de 2 000 $ à 5 000 $

• Un stage en France

• Un séjour professionnel à l’international

• Des prix spéciaux « 15e anniversaire » décernés au hasard parmi les candidates

Concours Excelle Science

• 22 prix variant de 2 000 $ à 5 000 $

• Un stage en France

• Un stage dans un laboratoire universitaire

Pour participer au concours Chapeau, les filles!, les candidates doivent s’inscrire dans leur établissement scolaire. Ce dernier acheminera les candidatures à la direction régionale du ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport de son territoire avant le 8 février 2011. Les candidates au concours Excelle Science doivent expédier leur dossier par la poste ou soumettre leur candidature directement en ligne sur le site Internet du Ministère au plus tard le 3 février 2011.

Pour obtenir plus de détails sur le concours Chapeau, les filles! et son volet Excelle Science, consultez le site du Ministère au ou écrivez à

Friday, October 29, 2010

HELP Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board WIN GRANT for student services

VOTE for CEC - Potential to WIN GRANT! We must remain within the top 20 to qualify.
Ask all Family, Friends, Colleagues to VOTE. Deadline to vote is Sunday, October 31st, 23:59.
HELP Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board - Career Exploration Centre - CDC Laurier to WIN - for the good of our students.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

CEC Centre welcomes HEC Montreal to our TWITTER Community

October 4th, HEC Montreal joins our TWITTER Community.
You can join too!
Here is some information about HEC Montreal
HEC Montréal: Open for business

Top business school, pillar of the business community and leader in business-oriented research, HEC Montréal is where established and future managers come to acquire much sought-after skills.
About HEC Montréal

As well, they are having a entrepreneurship contest; October 31st, 2010 deadline.
In collaboration with Telus and Generation Inc.
Good luck!

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 1st Career Exploration Centre at Salon D'Emploi Laval

Career Exploration Centre shares table with CDC Laurier at first ever Laval Job and Training Fair.
Salle Antoine-Labelle de la Récréathèque de Laval

Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m
Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The biggest job and training event in the province, takes place October 6th and 7th, at the Palais de Congrès.Through the years, the Montreal Job and Training Fair has remained the most important and unrivalled event, earning an enviable reputation while defining itself as a major event in province or Quebec.

Career Exploration Centre invites SPECIAL GUESTS OPEN DOORS OCTOBER 8th

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th The Career Exploration Centre will open their doors to selected guests;

-CDC PONT-VIAU, Teachers, Consultants, and Staff
-Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board - Parent Representatives
-VANIER Program Coordinators

We hope each of these groups will take us up on our offer to visit us!
A PAIR OF CINEMA TICKETS - can be won for all that sign our guest book!
Career Exploration Centre
60, Rue Lahaie
Laval, Qc
5 minutes from Cartier Metro

Career Exploration Centre to exhibit at first Vocational and Technical Symposium NOVEMBER 3rd

Wyndham Montréal Aéroport - November 3rd, 2010

A reminder that the main target audience for this Symposium is front-line personnel and administrators dealing with students in Career Development, POP and Explo. It is strongly suggested that the participants selected to attend this Symposium for each organization be done in very close collaboration with your GOAL Coordinator

September 27th Career Exploration Centre and SIS Group


The Career Exploration Centre was pleased to welcome its first group in September 2010. The Social Integration Services (SIS) is the first of its kind at the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Adult Education Sector.

François Giorgi, CDC Laurier Computer Support student worked with students to create personalized mouse pads. Students chose, colored, prepped images and heat pressed their own mouse pads. As well, students received their first participation certificate for ‘Graphic Animation – An introduction’.

We wish to thank their teacher for her collaboration on this project and look forward to planning monthly activities with her students. BRAVO TO ALL, for a job well-done!

September 27th Career Exploration Centre and SWLSB enews


As did our schools, The Career Exploration Centre had to prepare goals and objectives. Our goal is to increase the total number of group bookings at the Career Exploration Centre.

We are specifically targeting students in Secondary I, II, and III. Reserving your dates ahead of time will provide the best successful outcome for your teachers and classes. Therefore, school administrators are strongly encouraged to plan their visits without delay.
-Minimum two (2) calendar dates for each group booked (fall and spring)
-The Centre holds a maximum of 32 students per group
-Sessions are 1 ½ hours each
-Schools may book up to 4 sessions within the same day

The Career Exploration Centre supports:
-MELS and QEP program goals
-MESA (Management Educational Service Agreements)
-School Success Plans
-Broad Areas of Learning
-Cross Curricular goals
CALL Christina Flynn: 450 688-2933 ext. 4137 or email explolab@swlauriersb.qc to book NOW!,

Monday, September 27, 2010

CEC welcomes they are following our TWITTER ACCOUNT

Welcome to our on-line Community!


Le, une filiale de Bell Globemedia, est présent sur le web depuis septembre 1996. Il est rapidement devenu un chef de file dans le domaine du sport en ligne.

RDS is the Sports outlet of CTVGlobemedia

SpringBoards ATEQ JOINS Career Exploration Centre

Springboards Ateq

Springboards is an annual conference sponsored by ATEQ.
ATEQ is the Association of Teachers of English in Quebec.
Follow them on Twitter! Username: Springboardsqc

Springboards 2011 Call For Papers: The theme this year, Leaping into Literacies, recognizes the complete processes involved in the teaching of reading, writing, speaking, media studies and language learning across the curriculum. We are hoping that you will take this opportunity to share your expertise in the teaching ...of English Language Arts with other teachers at Springboards. See for details

ENGLISH Teachers join our FACEBOOK Group!

WELCOME TO Career Exploration Centre on-line Community.

English teachers in Argentina TOWER BRIDGE SCHOOL,, Professional development for teachers of English, Mildword -

British Council, Cambridge English Online Ltd., Interaction Language Studio, Connections - Servicios Idiomáticos, In English, Pro.T - Professional Development Conference for English Teachers, Macmillan Argentina, Onestopenglish, Learning Centre Institute, Teaching Stuff, Rosario Idiomas, British Council, Cambridge University Press ELT, Prestwick House, Inc., Education 365, Vamos Spanish Academy.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Parent Committee to receive Career Exploration Centre October 7th

The Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Parent Committee has accepted our request to present the Career Exploration Centre to speak about our goals, objectives and upcoming challenges facing the coming year.

Bringing students from great distances is always difficult, as they spend much time on the bus.  However, part of our objectives is to pilot mobile modules and bring The Career Exploration Centre to schools. 

In addition, we have received authorization to bring an honoured guest from The Vanier BRIDGES program, to this evening.  We hope this guest has the opportunity to advise parents on the opportunities this program is building for their students. 

We look forward to that evening.  The Career Exploration Centre 'Partnering with Parents!'

Welcome WORKINGDIRECTORY.CA for following us on TWITTER

On September 23rd, WORKINGDIRECTORY.CA began following us on TWITTER.

Welcome to the Career Exploration Centre on-line Community!

September 23rd LSHS and LJHS receive CEC and CDC Laurier

September 23rd was curriculum night for two of our Laval High Schools; Laval Junior High School and Laurier Senior High School. 

Both Project Development Officer's were on-hand from 19h00 till 21h00, answering parents questions about our Centre and CDC Laurier programs.  The halls were jam packed with committed parents and we were happy to hand out our information pamphlets and encourage parents to get to know The Career Exploration Centre.

Don't forget to check out CDC Laurier programs:
Students can register up to two weeks after starting date;

Thank you to the Principals of both schools, for being open-minded to receive us and give us a warm welcome.

September 22nd CEC Invites CDC Laurier Staff members to OPEN HOUSE

October 8th our doors will be open on this PED Day. 

The intention is to receive CDC Laurier Staff members, so they may visit our Centre, try out the modules and ask any questions they may have about The Career Exploration Centre.

We hope to see many staff members, please sign our guest book for your chance to win TWO tickets to CINEPLEX ODEON theaters.


The Career Exploration Centre to submit article to GOALPOST

We are pleased to be considered to contribute to the next article of the GOALPost.

Career EXPLORATION Centre creates name tags for CDC Laurier Staff Members

On September 21st, 2010 CDC Laurier Assistant Director welcomes Career Exploration Centre to speak at the first staff meeting of the year.  We present our goals and objectives for the coming year to staff members.  In addition, we want all CDC Laurier staff members to know that we want to forge close ties with them and their groups.  Promoting not only the Career Exploration Centre, but CDC Laurier as well.

It is well understood in the Community what fine service CDC Laurier provide their students.  Promoting their amazing technical and vocational programs to students, teachers and parents will only serve the greater good for all young adults.

We hope you enjoy the name tags, courtesy of your Assistant Director and graciously produced by The Career Exploration Centre, using the Transportation Design module and the engraving CNC router of our QUICKSTART activity menu.

September 20th Career EXPLORATION Centre follows-up

As Project Development Officer I am responsible for encouraging participation at our Centre and book calendar dates.  In keeping with that responsiblity, we followed-up The Principals meeting, by sending them additional information about The Centre.

The information forwarded to each High School Principal, enclosed our objectives, timelines, and of-course our Pedagogical goals, which align with each school goals as well.  To help wet their appetite for The Centre, we attached information about a few of the modules and described in detail the activity potential of them.

We hope they will take this to their staff and book calendar dates.
Please call us! 450-688-2933 x4137 or email

The Career Exploration Centre connects with EMSB webmaster and graphic designer

At The Suburban Education and Activity Fair we were able to meet up with and exchange coordinates with EMSB webmaster and graphic designer.  We hope to be able to promote each others' facebooks sites.

Look forward to making this happen!
Project Development Officer,
C Flynn

September 16th Career Exploration Centre THANKS The Suburban Montreal Newspaper

The Career Exploration Centre congratulates and thanks The Suburban and EMSB for their FIRST EVER EDUCATION AND ACTIVITY FAIR.  I understand more than 350 guests passed through the doors at EMSB Lauren Hill - Junior High. 

As Project Development Officer of The Career Exploration Centre, it was a good evening for networking. We met up with social groups, such as; Cadets, Girl Guides and Scouts.  Great groups to plan activities at our Centre.  We will definitely be communicating with them shortly, to see about booking some dates at our Centre.

In addition, I had the opportunity to speak with Guidance Concilors from EMSB, who were enthousiastic about the potential of visiting our Centre.  We discussed price points and travel possiblities, as we are situated close to Cartier Metro station, making it quite accessible to our Montreal School Boards; Emsb, Lester B. Pearson, and Riverside, among others. 

Thank you again The Suburban and EMSB. 
Perhaps The Suburban's Editor will take us up on our offer to open our doors for them to visit and write about The Career Exploration Centre in their paper.  It would, in my opinion make for a great article and service to the Community.

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 16th Career Exploration greets the SIS group for the second time.

We were very privileged to receive, for the second time the SIS Group.
These students' have received a 'Certificate of Participation' for completing their first activity on the Graphic Design Module. 

Each student chose, coloured and stamped with the heat press, their very own mouse pad.  Students enjoyed the introduction module, that spoke about Graphic Design from a professionals' point-of-view.
Every student proudly left with their personzalized mouse pads.   

Evening of September 15th Career Exploration Centre Invited to speak at CPRC

The Career Exploration Centre wants to thank the CPRC (Communication and Public Relations) Standing Committee for receiving us. 

A special thank you goes to our Chairman of The Council of Commisioners and CPRC Chair and all Standing Commttee members.

Strategic Advisor presented The Career Exploration Centre's three year plan. 
It was very well received and  as Project Development Officer, I look forward to implementing these ideas, goals, and visions.

Here are some of the recent highlights that were presented.

Our Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Communication Coordinator, was critical to our presentation and ART Challenge Concept.  BRAVO to you, Thanks!

September 15th Career Exploration attends Suburban Activity Fair

The Career Exploration Centre wishes to thank The Suburban and The English Montreal School Board for hosting The First Annual Education and Activity Fair.  I understand that there were over 350 visitors. 

We were able to network as well, giving us the opportunity to speak with groups that would benefit from using our Career Exploration Centre.  The Scouts, Girl Guides and Cadets were excited by the prospect of doing a joint project at our facilities.  As well we discussed the possibility of partnering to post links to each others websites to drive traffic to our respective websites. 

PARTNERSHIPS, is what we are all about!
We'll keep you informed as that develops.

September 15th Strategic Advisor addresses SWLSB Principals

The morning of September 15th, Strategic Advisor of Sir Wilfrid Laurier speaks to Sir Wilfrid Laurier Principals about the vision and goals of The Career Exploration Centre.  We mentioned that will be focusing on getting groups from grade 7, 8, & 9 to attend our Centre a minimum of 2 visits. 

This is to ensure that the students have an opportunity to truly 'Explore' their future careers.

Thank you for doing such a great job in promoting The Career Exploration Centre to our Principals.

September 14th Career Exploration Centre presents to SWLSB ESD and CSD Staff

This Tuesday Career Exploration Centre was priviledged to present to our Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, Educational and Complimentary Services Department, our plans, goals and objectives for the coming year.

It was a pleasure to meet with such a dedicated group of individuals.  All their feedback was positive and we look forward to working closely with them, as we bring the students to the Career Exploration Centre and The Career Exploration Centre to the Students.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Facebook | Career Exploration Lab - CDC Laurier (Pont-Viau)

Facebook Career Exploration Lab - CDC Laurier (Pont-Viau): "2011 Student Entrepreneur Competition!"

September 10th Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre Welcomes TCCN to our on-line fans

We are very pleased to see that TCCN joined our TWITTER on-line group.  We welcome them and hope to build networking relationships that not only benefit us, but TCCN as well.  For those of you who are not aware of "who" TCCN is, they are The Canadian Construction Network The Online Community Guide to Contruction in Canada. 

Network with Trade Professionals:  Home owners, professional contractors, trade school students, and handman renovation enthusiasts go to TCCN to learn, network, socialize, and trade services.

They have a specific video section on Education, check it out!

Christina Flynn, Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre
TCCN often has new contests every month -


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First weeks in September Career Exploration Pont Viau Centre is busy

Career Exploration is working hard to prepare material for our Clientele.
An activity brochure for each of the 16 interactive (hand-on) modules.
This activity brochures helps teachers and students alike know what activity is offered in each module.
Each module has 16 different hand-on learning experiences. 

Mountainview High is the first school to receive our module activity and information sheets.
Let us know what you think and we are excited to receive your students!
Thank you for requesting this.
Check them out at:

CDC Laurier - Hotel Reception teacher, is looking to have the students who are enrolled in the Hotel Reception course to do some activities with the Hospitality and Tourism module.  We look forward to receiving them!  If you are interested in applying:
Here is their program details - current session began September 7th, 2010

CDC Laurier - Vimont Special Education Classes for young adults,will be visiting September 9th to prepare personalized mouse pads.  A current computer support student will be assisting them to complete this task.  Thank you François, we appreciate it that you are willing to volunteer your time to help us out!  I am certain they will have created inspired personalized mouse pads.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1st Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre INVITES you!

Please join us SEPTEMBER 15th from 4:00 pm till 9:00 pm
at the
CDC Laurier PONT-VIAU and Adult Education -VIMONT
have graciously offered to share their table with us!

WE are READY and WAITING to receive your student Groups!
At: 60, Rue Lahaie, Laval
Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
450 688 2933

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31st Career Exploration Centre and CDC Laurier Computer Support Team up

The Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre will team up with some of the CDC Laurier Computer Support students.  Computing Support teacher, Mr. Maan Hatab was very open to having some of his Computer Support students see what it is like providing services to the user community.  His students will be able to fill needs at the CDC Laurier Career Exploration Lab, by getting to know certain modules, such as; Transportation Design, Hospitality and Tourism, Vinyl Sign Making, Graphic Design and,  Digital Photography.  These willing student volunteers will be able to take orders from personnel within the CDC Laurier Centre, to make name tags, plastify tags, create mouse pads, signs, etc....

As well, we hope they will be able to completely ensure all survey`s and documents that can be delivered on-line are created and developed for our school groups.  What a team effort!  I really look forward to working with these students! Thank you Mr. Mann Hatab for opening the doors to your student group. 

For anyone interested in joining the Computer Support Program at CDC Laurier is advised to take a look at the website:

Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30th Career Exploration welcomes Debbie Horrocks, President of QESBA

Welcome Debbie Horrocks, President of QESBA (Quebec English School Boards Association) has joined the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre fan club on FACEBOOK.  We look forward to keeping you and your team informed on what we are acheiving!  Thank you for joining our on-line Community!  Check out QESBA website for more interesting and informative news on what`s happening in Education in Québec.

August 23rd - August 26th Project Development Officer meets staff

Wednesday was an exciting day, all Adult Education teachers, both from the General Education and Technical and Vocational centre's attended their first meeting at the CDC Laurier Centre.  It was my first time to see and feel all the positive energy from all these professionals' geared to start of their new school year.  Mrs. J. Brabant, Director of Adult Education's theme of the day was 'Customer Service'.  To continue delivering quality services and increasing those graduation rates for their students.  Mrs. J. Brabant asked staff, WWWEBI - What Went Well?  and Even Better If?  The room was full of inspiration as the staff enthusiastically responded.  The NEW ADULT EDUCATION WEBSITE FIRST LAUNCHED for staff on this morning.  Check it out!

Vanier Student J Barbagallo EXPLORES Transportation Design Module

August 24th, A Vanier student gave up a work day to help us out at the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre.  J. Barbagallo worked on producing name tags for the Health Care Supervisory Staff and CDC Laurier Support Staff.  It was no easy task, adjustments needed to be made to the router bit, the depth for engraving, etc.... However the task is completed and we will be able to provide staff members name tags in time for the first staff meeting of September 21st, 2010.  Thank you Jeffrey for taking the time, we appreciated it!

Career Exploration Project Development Officer meets Vanier Consultant

Monday, August 23rd, Mrs. Halman and I was very fortunate to meet Mr. Tami Belhadj FP/FT Project Consultant who is responsible for Vanier BRIDGES program.  Mr. Belhadj promoted and invited the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre to attend The First Technical and Vocational symposium taking place on November 3rd.  As this develops we will keep you informed. The Vanier BRIDGES program helps develop technical and vocational programs to bridge over to CEGEP programs, providing more opportunities for students' success.  We look forward to a wonderful and fruitful partnership with Vanier College.

Week of August 23rd All about Connections and Networking!

Hello to all fans, This week was very productive for the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre.  Our Strategic Advisor Planner, Mrs. H. Halman met with me, Project Development Officer, Mrs. C. Flynn.  It was a very productive meeting as we aligned our goals and expectations for this coming years' activities for the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre.  Building our Action Plan, meeting QEP (Québec Education Plan) and MELS' (Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport) goals.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Career Exploration Center: August 16th - 20th First week back from Summer Hol...

Career Exploration Center: August 16th - 20th First week back from Summer Hol...: "First week back from «Summer Vacation». It was a good week. The Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre is gearing up to meet QEP and GOAL ori..."

August 16th - 20th First week back from Summer Holiday

First week back from «Summer Vacation».  It was a good week.  The Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre is gearing up to meet QEP and GOAL orientations.  We are busy working on an 'Action Plan' in support of our School Board`s goals. 

Our Project Development Officer, Mrs. Christina Flynn is working on creating a viable 'Action Plan' in collaboration with our Strategic Planner Advisor, Mrs. Heather Halman. 

The 'Action Plan' will incorporate short term, medium term and long term goals, keeping in sight the vision of our Council of Commissioners and Director General's objectives.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre Closes July 16th till August 16th 2010

Our Career Exploration - Pont-Viau Centre is closed for the vacation period.
July 16th till August 16th

We are available in August to respond to any of your questions, please reach us in any of the following ways;




Please note we are also available through RSS Feed.
Simply, add us to your Microsoft RSS Folder, or Your favourites in your Browser window.

Christina Flynn

Project Development Officer
Career Exploration - CDC Laurier Pont-Viau Centre
60, Lahaie Street,

Laval (Qc) H7G 3A8
450 688-2933 ext. 4137 Fax: 450 662-0870

July 16th Today the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre is closing for summer vacation

Today is my last day before the summer holidays.  The Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre will close its' doors from July 19th through till August 16th, 2010.

This morning was spent researching and prepping to build an Action Plan that will enable us to fulfill the potential of this wonderful resource.  As well, today was spent looking for simple, but effective ways to promote The Career Exploration Centre early on in the school year. 

Hopefully, once the Commuication and Public Relations Standing Committee have the opportunity to explore and have some input on some of the ideas I have brewing;

-One of the ideas is to have an ART's Competition open to all Middle School Students in our board.  Focused on getting a LOGO, Profile Badge for the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre. I believe the sooner we have a creative, graphic image to help brand the Career Exploration - Pont-Viau Centre the better it will help us to take the next step in promoting us.

-The second idea needs the expertise of various stakeholders, such as Mrs. Heather Halman, Strategic Advisor, Educational Services PED Consultants, Administrators of schools and teachers buy-in.  In thinking about ways to attrach and teach younger students about the value of using the Career Exploration, using other mediums, such as music, dance, theater... can be video taped; describing professions suited to our CDC Laurier and the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre.  There can be small groups of 5 or so students, researching professions, identifing those that inspire them, then translating that into moving ART (Theater, Dance, Musical).  This touches so many bases, I have to say, that I personnally love the idea.  Cross-Curricular, Subjects ART. ENGLISH, POP, COMMUNITY SERVICE, MEDIA.... well, the idea is out there, so let's see how and if I can promote it well in September.

-The third idea is to promote early bookings to our Career - Pont-Viau Centre by stipulating a deadline date to reserve their classes at any time during the year.  Open to everyone, our School board, other school boards, whichever client wants to book with us.  We have a DRAW, for one winner, who does an early booking will win transportation to and from their location, 1/2 morning with some kind of leadership activity that the student group will participate in (I keep thinking of zip lining at Morin-Heights), but I am certain there are many other options, just as interesting. Once the group have completed that activity, after their lunch, they arrive at our Centre to work on the modules in the afternoon.  No cost to them.

Well, now that I've gotten those ideas out there, it will truly be time for me to clear my mind of work related issues and projects, to settle in and enjoy my family time.  I wish everyone a very good summer!

July 15th Was all about getting interactive ....

Today was spent going through many of the interactive modules.  We were lucky to have a volunteer participant, Mr. J. Barbagallo, presently heading into his second year at Vanier and a Honours Graduate of Lake of Two Mountains High School. 

With his help and participation, we went through the following modules, learning them, identifying if the instructions were clear for students, etc.... It was a very productive day.
Here are some of the modules that Jeffrey gravitated to;
Flight Transportation
Transportation Design, he made me my very own engraved name tag! (Steve Edwards, your modified instructions were straight on - Thanks!)
Home Maintenance, which he had to connect a light fixture, safely and within standards (what a way to light up the room Jeff)
Vinyl Sign Making
Graphic Design - whereby Jeff made a cool looking "original" mouse pad using the green Apple logo signature.."  Keep it Jeff, well deserved.

When I noted to Jeff that I noticed he had explored the more scientific modules, he headed over to the;
Hospitality and Tourism module
Wellness and Nutrition

A day well spent!  Thanks to Jeffrey, we were able to see alot of the modules, how clear the instructions were.  I personnally learnt many new terminologies related to these careers.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 13th Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre invites the GOAL network to register with us

23 members of the GOAL network group have been emailed with an invitation to join us on Facebook or Twitter.  We hope they take us up on our invitiation and that the future will hold great learning opportunities for their students, here at our Centre.  It would be an honour and a privilege to host their groups.

Excerpt from their newsletter, the GOAL post - Supporting The Guidance Oriented Approach To Learning - Spring 2010 - Vol. 6 No. 2
"You, too, can rewire a light fixture or land a jet!"
by Ingrid Hove Gust, Educational Consultant, SWLSB

The Career Development Network, to which so many GOAL consultants belong, recently visited the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board's new Career Exploration Lab.  Designed as an interactive environment for exploring vocational trades and technical careers, the lab is primarily intended for Secondary Cycle Two and older students, but is reaching out to younger students as well.  Its 16 modules use sophisticated computer simulations and hands-on experiments to explore 46 careers in a realistic and in-depth manner.

"The career Lab was a real eye-opener as I had no idea that these simulated work stations for students even existed, " says the EMSB's Marsha Gouett.  As a single homeowner, she enjoyed learning how to re-wire a light fixture in the Home Maintenance Module.  And the ESSB's Malcolm MacPhee was completely engrossed in the simulation software that transformed him into an aircraft pilot.  "I can tell you that the module was well thought out and easy to follow.  I even landed a Bombardier CJ-JET without crashing!"

For more information about the GOAL Network, please communicate with;
Provincial GOAL Coordinator (English Sector)
Sandra Salesas, Ministère de l`Éeducation, du Loisir et du Sport
Tel: (514) 873-3339 ext. 5510

Or communicate with me, Christina Flynn, Project Development Officer for the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre at; 450-688-2933 or 514-208-1700
BOOK YOUR CLASS! Beginning September 2010

July 13th CDC Laurier is mounting a new website. We add our content

Today the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre was invited to submit their ideas and content for their page on the Adult Education - CDC Laurier new website.  A page will be dedicated just for us!

Let me share the content with you. 
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Our Mission:

To offer a wide variety of career exploration opportunities and promote the value of vocational and technical training amongst students, parents and staff.

Now that you now know what a Career Exploration Centre is; here is a summary of what we can offer you; 
-We book and organize, customized to your needs, animated training with the interactive technical/vocational modules. (Half day or full day sessions available) *Luncheon space can be accommodated at our facilities.
-We meet MELS – QEP standards to encourage the development and exploration of, cross-curricular competencies and G.O.A.L. (Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning)

Our Career Exploration Pont-Viau Center is ideally suited for students in;Semi-Skilled Training,  WOTP (Work Oriented Training Path), POP (Personal Orientation Project), 15Plus programs, French immersion classes, special needs students, and students’ enrichment

You are welcome to call us to arrange a visit.
We will be very happy to provide a customized package for your group, to suit your specific requirements.

The Career Exploration Centre directly supports the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, publication ‘’I Care About Schools, All together for student success, 13 paths to success.’’
Path 11: Provide better support for Secondary IV and V students in order to help them reach graduation.
Path 12: Facilitate and encourage access to vocational training.

The Career Exploration Centre provides diverse learning opportunities that incorporated different career clusters and program areas; Business, Marketing, and IT, Careers and Technology, Family and Consumer Science, Manufacturing and Pre-Engineering, Science.

For more information do not hesitate to contact me, Project Development Officer, Mrs. Christina Flynn, 450-688-2933 x4137 or 514-208-1700

We encourage your participation and offer our services to your School boards, Schools, Training Centres, Parent Groups, Community Organization and Partners.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13th Electrolab Regional Manager Jim Grieve is invited to join our Community

We would like to welcome Electrolab to our on-line Community.

Electrolab Training Systems is our local distributer of DEPCO Career Exploration Modules.

July 12th Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Educational Services (PED) Consultants invited

Well, we are an open Community and want to express to all our Colleagues about the wonderful Career Exploration Centre. 

Naturally, our Pedagogical Consultants are part of our Educational Family and we wanted them to be aware of us and bring them into our Community as well.

They are close to schools and centres, our students as well.  What a great resource to us at the Career Exploration Centre.  Their expertise and guidance will be invaluable to us as we customize our package offerings to our schools and centres, to best meet their needs.

We look forward to working with you and in hopes that we can develop wonderful projects together to benefit all parties.

''There is no substitute for hard work.''
Thomas Alva Edison

We are honoured if our Council of Commisioners will join our on-line Community

Needless to say all this would not be possible without the support of our Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Council of Commissioners.

This idea went out to our Communications and Public Relations Standing Committee and with the go-ahead and enthusiastic support of our Chairman Mr. Steve Bletas, we would not be speaking out to you today.

Thanks Steve, we love your vision for this Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre and hope to do you proud.

Thank you to our Coordinator Maxeen Jolin, for her suggestions and prompt support for this idea.

As well, to Mrs. Heather Halman, for which this post would not be possible - Strategic Planning Advisor and the person steerheading this Career Exploration Pont-Viau Project.  BRAVO Heather! 

I look forward to working with all of you in August!

July 12th Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Guidance Councellors invited to join

I am glad to report that the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre has the honour of inviting our Guidance Councellors. 
The invitation included a reference from one of our Pedagogical Consultant, Mrs. Ingrid Hove Gust.

This centre fits with G.O.A.L. (Guidance-oriented Approach to Learning).

As our very own Ingrid Hove Gust stipulates in this article;
“The main objective of GOAL is to facilitate students’ school success and career-building experiences within and outside the classroom,” said Gust. “Through an effective team approach, we can assist students in their personal and career development.”

We welcome you to our on-line Community and look forward to building a strong foundation for your students within our centre. 

July 12th SWLSB Board, School, and Centre Administrators were invited to join

Our Sir Wilfrid Laurier leaders were invited to join our FACEBOOK, TWITTER and BLOG Communities.
It will be a pleasure to welcome them.

We look forward to a wonderful relationship with our schools and centres.

Let`s work together!
'' Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.'' Henry Ford

To complete your registration, please click the following link, or copy and paste it into your browser.

TWITTER with us:
Click this link;
Get updates via SMS by texting follow explorelabcdc to 21212 in Canada

July 12th Email invitations sent out to join our FACEBOOK, TWITTER Community

Yesterday afternoon was very productive. 
All invitiations were sent out by email to OUR PARTNERS of our Career Exploration - Pont-Viau Centre. 

1- Centre Local de Développement (CLD) de Laval et Conseil régional des Élus de Laval, Madame Manon Caron, Directrice générale

2- Commision de la Construction du Québec, Madame Chantal Dubeau, Direction formation professionnelle

3 - Tourisme Laval, Madame Andrée Courteau, Directrice générale
4- Ville de Laval, Monsieur Gilles Vaillancourt, Maire
5-Député de Vimont, Monsieur Vincent Auclair, Whip adjoint du gouvernement
  -Députée des Mille-Iles, Madame Francine Charbonneau, Adjointe parlementaire à la ministre de l'immigration et des Communautés culturelles.
  -Députée de Fabre, Madame Michelle Courchesne, Ministre de l'Éducation, du loisir et du sport, Ministre responsable de la région de Laval
  -Député de Chomedy, Monsieur Guy Ouellette, Adjoint parlementaire à la ministre des Transports
  -Député de Laval-des-Rapides, Monsieur Alain Paquet, Président de la Commision des finances publiques
6 -SEPB577, Mr. Jack Fitch, President
7 -BMW Laval, Mr. Carmine D'Agenio, President
8 -LEARN, Mr. Michael Canuel, Director General
9 -Groupe Montoni Inc, Mr. Dario Montoni, President
10-Centre de santé et services sociaux de Laval, Monsieur Luc Lepage, Directeur général
11-Institut National de Recherche Scientifique, Monsieur Pierre Lapointe, Directeur général
12-Desjardins-Fédération des caisses du Québec, Conseiller en communication, Monsieur Laurent Piuze, Vice-présidence régionale Laval-Laurentides
We hope you take the time to register to be able to see on-going what your generous contributions provide to our students, parents and staff, let`s not forget The Community at large.  This Centre has so much potential.

Please join us!

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12th Interactive Modules

As Project Development Officier it is important that I understand each module, so today I will begin with the Computer Animation Module.  This module's program areas are Business, Marketing and IT, as well as, Careers and Technology, and Graphic Communications. 
There are different activities to select.  I will begin with the Quick Start Menu provided, which is Drawing Frames, Animation Concepts: Movement and Understanding Frames, Layers, and the Timeline. 

The Skills obtained in this module are;
Plan animations using a storyboard
Create individual images with animation program
Combine sound with animation
Use layers, the timeline, and the library
Shape, color, and motion tween images

Talk to you later! 
Call the Career Exploration Lab to book your session for your group?
450-688-2933 x4137
We begin taking bookings by mid-August

Friday, July 9, 2010

Project Development Officer

Please contact me at: 450 688 2933 x 4137 or 514-208-1700 to get more information as to what the Career Exploration Lab can do for you.  We organize school visits, so much more than a field trip.  QEP based, cross-curricular competencies, interactive training modules, career exploration.  Fun for students, parents and educators alike.  Be the first to set-up an appointment to visit, with or without your students.  Get a first hand look at the potential for your students.  We are situated 5 minutes from Cartier Metro Station, easily accessible by public transport, or busses.  Come check us out!  First of it's kind in Quebec!
Today is the first BLOG for the Career Exploration Centre.  My name is Christina and am the new Project Development Officer for this Career Exploration Lab.  It is really cool.  We have 16 interactive modules.  There is so much potential for the Community, to help students, parents, and educators understand the value of Technical and Vocational career options.  I can't wait to get the message out.