Career Exploration Centre

Career Exploration Centre
Explore the Future!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 13th Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre invites the GOAL network to register with us

23 members of the GOAL network group have been emailed with an invitation to join us on Facebook or Twitter.  We hope they take us up on our invitiation and that the future will hold great learning opportunities for their students, here at our Centre.  It would be an honour and a privilege to host their groups.

Excerpt from their newsletter, the GOAL post - Supporting The Guidance Oriented Approach To Learning - Spring 2010 - Vol. 6 No. 2
"You, too, can rewire a light fixture or land a jet!"
by Ingrid Hove Gust, Educational Consultant, SWLSB

The Career Development Network, to which so many GOAL consultants belong, recently visited the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board's new Career Exploration Lab.  Designed as an interactive environment for exploring vocational trades and technical careers, the lab is primarily intended for Secondary Cycle Two and older students, but is reaching out to younger students as well.  Its 16 modules use sophisticated computer simulations and hands-on experiments to explore 46 careers in a realistic and in-depth manner.

"The career Lab was a real eye-opener as I had no idea that these simulated work stations for students even existed, " says the EMSB's Marsha Gouett.  As a single homeowner, she enjoyed learning how to re-wire a light fixture in the Home Maintenance Module.  And the ESSB's Malcolm MacPhee was completely engrossed in the simulation software that transformed him into an aircraft pilot.  "I can tell you that the module was well thought out and easy to follow.  I even landed a Bombardier CJ-JET without crashing!"

For more information about the GOAL Network, please communicate with;
Provincial GOAL Coordinator (English Sector)
Sandra Salesas, Ministère de l`Éeducation, du Loisir et du Sport
Tel: (514) 873-3339 ext. 5510

Or communicate with me, Christina Flynn, Project Development Officer for the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre at; 450-688-2933 or 514-208-1700
BOOK YOUR CLASS! Beginning September 2010

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