Career Exploration Centre

Career Exploration Centre
Explore the Future!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 13th CDC Laurier is mounting a new website. We add our content

Today the Career Exploration Pont-Viau Centre was invited to submit their ideas and content for their page on the Adult Education - CDC Laurier new website.  A page will be dedicated just for us!

Let me share the content with you. 
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Our Mission:

To offer a wide variety of career exploration opportunities and promote the value of vocational and technical training amongst students, parents and staff.

Now that you now know what a Career Exploration Centre is; here is a summary of what we can offer you; 
-We book and organize, customized to your needs, animated training with the interactive technical/vocational modules. (Half day or full day sessions available) *Luncheon space can be accommodated at our facilities.
-We meet MELS – QEP standards to encourage the development and exploration of, cross-curricular competencies and G.O.A.L. (Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning)

Our Career Exploration Pont-Viau Center is ideally suited for students in;Semi-Skilled Training,  WOTP (Work Oriented Training Path), POP (Personal Orientation Project), 15Plus programs, French immersion classes, special needs students, and students’ enrichment

You are welcome to call us to arrange a visit.
We will be very happy to provide a customized package for your group, to suit your specific requirements.

The Career Exploration Centre directly supports the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, publication ‘’I Care About Schools, All together for student success, 13 paths to success.’’
Path 11: Provide better support for Secondary IV and V students in order to help them reach graduation.
Path 12: Facilitate and encourage access to vocational training.

The Career Exploration Centre provides diverse learning opportunities that incorporated different career clusters and program areas; Business, Marketing, and IT, Careers and Technology, Family and Consumer Science, Manufacturing and Pre-Engineering, Science.

For more information do not hesitate to contact me, Project Development Officer, Mrs. Christina Flynn, 450-688-2933 x4137 or 514-208-1700

We encourage your participation and offer our services to your School boards, Schools, Training Centres, Parent Groups, Community Organization and Partners.

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